Author: babs6c

ReSAKSS Annual Conference / Articles posted by babs6c

Endorsed in 2003 by African heads of state and government, the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is a continentwide framework for accelerating growth and progress toward poverty reduction and food and nutrition security through an agriculture-led growth strategy. Beginning in 2006, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) hosted and incubated three programs that provide policy research and capacity strengthening support to guide the planning and implementation of CAADP. The three programs migrated to AKADEMIYA2063 in July 2020. They are: (1) the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS), (2) the African Growth and Development Policy (AGRODEP) Modeling Consortium, and (3) the Malabo Montpellier Panel (MaMo Panel)....

The rapid proliferation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) offers great promise for transforming smallholder agriculture in Africa. Going beyond the narrow view of “technologies” as a tool, the broader concept of “digitalization” is a potential game changer. Building climate resilience for smallholder farmers to boost productivity; improving access to financing for all stakeholder groups to increase profitability along the value chain; and addressing social inclusion gaps for youth, women, and other marginalized groups are some of the areas that digitalization can be effectively deployed in building more efficient food systems....

Food safety has never featured prominently on Africa’s development agenda. When it is an issue, typically the focus has been on high-value food items produced for export, while food safety in domestic markets has been largely neglected, both by governments and development partners. This must change. Recent research has shown that the health and economic consequences of foodborne diseases in Africa are significant and growing, as urbanization and income growth prompt dietary changes that increasingly expose consumers to food safety hazards....

Africa’s rural transformation is hampered by the difficulties and missed opportunities farmers face in accessing markets. Many of these problems can be traced to farmers’ individual struggles—i.e., a lack of economies of scale—in consistently procuring inputs and marketing their outputs. Collective action mechanisms such as producer organizations could facilitate smallholders' access to input and output markets....

Africans have always recognized the importance of farm mechanization. Many who have grown up in rural areas have, at some point, worked on a farm or watched others do so, and know firsthand the back-breaking labor involved. Mechanical power that can provide relief from such drudgery has always been desired and appreciated....

The African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) have adopted both a mutual accountability framework, which sets out principles for mutual review, and a results framework, intended to guide the tracking of performance indicators for the next decade of CAADP. They have designated ReSAKSS as the primary knowledge and support platform for reviewing, benchmarking, and learning from ongoing progress in implementing the CAADP agenda. Integral to its mandate, ReSAKSS supports efforts to introduce or strengthen agricultural joint sector review (JSR) practices and provides technical support to the CAADP Biennial Review (BR) process. ...

With an eye to building institutional and technical capacity, ReSAKSS works with the CAADP teams to set up or strengthen country Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support Systems (country SAKSS) rooted in the existing local capacities and infrastructure. The country SAKSS is a critical instrument for supporting the review of and dialogue on CAADP implementation at the country level....

ReSAKSS helps to inform the CAADP implementation process through its flagship Annual Trends and Outlook Reports (ATORs). The Africawide ATOR, which serves as the official CAADP M&E report, tracks progress on over 30 key CAADP indicators and is formally launched at the ReSAKSS Annual Conference. ReSAKSS nodes also prepare regional versions of the ATOR for their specific regions and assist a growing number of countries with operational SAKSS platforms to publish country level ATORs....

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est. Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat an. Eius lorem tincidunt vix at, vel pertinax sensibus id, error epicurei mea et. Mea facilisis urbanitas moderatius id. Vis ei rationibus definiebas, eu qui purto zril laoreet. Ex error omnium interpretaris pro, alia illum ea vim....